Members on the Road: Albany, Texas
Event Details
Event Date
Event Description
Calling all members who enjoy a road trip! Join the Carter as we tour the Old Jail Art Center in Albany, Texas. The original 1878 jail building has been revitalized and expanded to include 17,000 square feet of gallery, education, and archive space. We’ll have lunch at the nearby Icehouse, then visit the Museum of the Americas in Weatherford. Members can explore the colorful and diverse heritage of Indigenous peoples of the Americas through a collection of late 19th- and 20th-century artifacts, crafts, and folk art.
Tour price for this all-day trip is $150 and includes transportation, lunch, all fees, and gratuities. This trip is for Carter members only; space is limited. Full payment is due at the time the trip is booked. Itineraries are subject to change.
For additional information, accessibility questions, or to register, call 817.989.5062.
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Header Image Credit
Image Courtesy the Old Jail Art Center